
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

CS402 ASSIGNMENT NO.3 Fall 2011

Theory of Automata

Total Marks= 20 (5+5+5+5)

Assignment Submission Deadline
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 22nd of December, 2011 [upload your ass
well before due date to avoid any assignment uploading related issues].

Rules for Marking
It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

o The assignment is submitted after due date
o The assignment is copied
Objectives of this assignment are to make students able to understand the following concepts

o Moore machine
o Mealy machine
o Equivalence of Moore and Mealy machines
Assignment No.3

Question No.1

a. Convert Moore machine given below in corresponding Mealy machine.

b. Run string abbbba on this machine and corresponding Mealy machine by showing process and confirm that both machines generate same outputs (ignoring extra Moore machine).

Question No.2

a. Convert following Mealy machine into corresponding Moore machine.

b. Run string bbaaba onbthis machine and corresponding Moore machine by showing process and confirm that both machines generate same outputs