
Tuesday 20 December 2011

STA630 Resarch Methods Assignment No. 2 SEMESTER FALL 2011 Idea Solution

Resarch Methods (STA630)
Assignment No. 2
Due Date: 27 December, 2011 Marks: 30

While designing a questionnaire, a researcher should be very careful and try to avoid the errors that
cause the hindrance in collecting the correct and appropriate information. Generally, following types
of errors are found in the questions.
a) Questions are ambiguous or vague
b) Questions are double barreled
c) Questions are leading
d) Questions are burdensome
e) Questions are loaded

You have been provided some questions that are part of a questionnaire. You are required to:
1. Identify the type of error(s) in the following questions 5*2 = 10
2. Correct these error (s) 5*4 = 20
Question 1:
Don’t you think that your organization should increase the salaries of employees in
these days where cost of living rising everyday?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 2:
How much satisfied are you with the behavior of your boss and coworkers?
1. Highly satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neutral
4. Dissatisfied
5. Highly dissatisfied

Question 3:
Should Pakistani government accept Israel as a state and have diplomatic
relationships, in spite of the fact that Israel is killing innocent Muslims in Palestine?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 4:
Is your organization providing health and life insurance to the employees?
1. Yes
2. No

Question 5:
How much your income is?

_____________ Rupees