
Wednesday 26 October 2011

CS 507 Assignment no 1 Fall 2011 Idea Solution

CS507- Information Systems
Total Marks: 10
Due Date: 31/10/2011

Q#1: A Shoe manufacturing company wants to transfer its manual working system into computerized based information system. Suppose you are in the design team who is developing a technology based information system.

What factors would you consider while developing a new system? Mention at least five factors. [5 marks]

Q#2: Given diagram belongs to a certain system. Identify that the diagram belongs to closed loop system or open loop system? Give three valid reasons to support your answer. [ 2+3 marks]


Solution Q 1.

Information Systems

In modern age, there has been felt a growing need for the use of information being in the design team I will consider the following five important factors:
 Transforming Industrial Economies
 Transformed Business Enterprise
 Emerging Digital Firms
 Emerging Global Economies
 Effective and efficient utilization of resources

Emerging Global Economies
High level of foreign trade has resulted in imports and exports which require inter linkage for smooth coordination. Core business functions (manufacturing, finance and customer support) have been distributed in different countries. 

Transforming Industrial Economies
Industrial economies have started merging as knowledge-and-information-based economies. Manufacturing activities being shifted to low wage countries. More opportunities are available in education, health care, banks, insurance firms and law firms. More knowledge and information intense products are being created. Higher commitment expected from customer e.g. overnight package delivery, worldwide reservation systems.

Transformed Business Enterprise
The structure of business enterprise have also changed, initially the organizations used to be Hierarchical, Centralized, Structured following a Fixed Set of SOP’s. However, now the organizations are moving towards more Flatter, Decentralized and Flexible structures. Information Technology makes it convenient and efficient to promote this new culture.

Emerging Digital Firms
Firms where all significant business process and relationships with customers and suppliers and employees are digitally enabled and key corporate assets are managed through digital firms. This results in rapid response with more flexibility to survive and getting more global.

Effective and efficient utilization of resources
Effectiveness and efficient usage of resources has become a dire need of today’s organization and it cannot be ignored 

Solution Q 2.
This system is a closed system because
 Input is manipulated in a controlled mechanism
 It is not connected with the environment
 Neither environment exerts any influence on the system nor does system influence the environment