
Monday 3 October 2011

cs101 Assignment no 6 Fall 2007


  1. You have to develop a web page visible in the snap shot using notepad, HTML and JAVA SCRIPT.

  1. On page load a message should display “Welcome from roll no” : Please specify your roll number here, for example, if your roll no is mc040700xxx, it should display a message “Welcome from mc040700xxx”. Put your own ID instead of mc040700xxx.

  1. At the top centre of the page, time should be displayed with postfix AM or PM. Please refer to the snap shot for correct format.
Hint:                                var date=new Date();

  1. Display the centre aligned text “Please, Click on your favourite colour”.

  1. Choose any five colours of your choice, and develop one button for each colour.
  2. When someone clicks on the button, background colour of the webpage should change accordingly. For example, if you click on button “red”, colour of the background should change to red. Use only on click event. On mouse over is not acceptable.

  1. On page unload display “Thanks for visiting”.