
Monday 3 October 2011

cs301 Assignment no 3 Solution Fall 2011

Question 1:

Consider the following binary search tree (BST) and answer the questions given below.


a)                  Write nodes after In-order traversing of tree.
b)                  Write nodes after Post-order traversing of tree.
c)                  Write nodes after Pre-order traversing of tree.
d)                 What will be the resultant tree after insertion of nodes  8 & 21

Question 2:

This question is the implementation of BST.


The code for BST is given in the lecture notes as also shown below
class BinaryNode
    Object getInfo();
void   setInfo(int object);
BinaryNode *   getLeft();
void   setLeft(BinaryNode *   left);
BinaryNode *   getRight();
void   setRight(BinaryNode *   right);
    int object;
    BinaryNode *left;
    BinaryNode *right;

// constructor
    BinaryNode( int object, BinaryNode *LEFT, BinaryNode   *RIGHT )
: object( OBJECT ), left( LEFT ), right( RIGHT ) { }

class BinarySearchTree

    BinarySearchTree( );
// constructor.
    ~BinarySearchTree( ); // destructor.

    void insert( BinaryNode& node )
;//insert the binary node in tree.
    void remove( const string& x );
// remove a binary node from the tree.

const BinaryNode* find( const string& name ) const; // seach a node by name and return that node's address.
    void print( ) const;
// print the complete list in the tree.

    BinaryNode* root;

Now using this code you are required to write some methods which are given below

Ø  float avg(BinaryNode * rootNode)
// Average of contents of all the nodes in the binary tree
Ø  int depth(BinaryNode * rootNode)
//  The depth/height of binary tree
Ø  bool completeTree(BinaryNode * rootNode) 
//Code to determine if a binary tree is strictly or complete binary tree.