
Wednesday 26 October 2011

CS401 Assignment No. 01 Fall 2011 Idea Solution


Question No. 1:

a. Suppose architecture A has 14-bit address bus. What is maximum size of memory that can be accessed in this architecture? (Show the steps for calculating maximum accessible memory) (5 marks)

b. An architecture B has a maximum limit of 2GB memory. How many address bits are required for this architecture? (Show the steps for calculating required number of address bits) (5 marks)

Question No. 2:
What are the first and the last physical memory addresses accessible using the following segment values? (2 mark each)
a. 0000

Question No. 3:

Calculate physical address using the following segment offset pairs.
(1 mark each)
a. ABCD:1234
b. 1234:ABCD
Question No. 4:

What is effective address generated by the following instructions? Every instruction is independent of others. Initially BX = 0xFF00, SI=0x00FF
(1 mark each)

a. mov ax, [BX+SI]
b. mov ax, [BX+1024] (1024 is in decimal)

Question No. 5:

What are the contents of memory locations 720, 721, 722 and 723 if the word 4321 is stored at offset 720 and the word 8765 is stored at the offset 722 using Big Endean format? (2 marks)

Address Contents


Idea Solution will be upload soon